Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Blogging  This is a blog that belongs to a gal that comes in the store quite often, or at least when she is in town...I'd like you to meet Laura everyone!  Her blog is adorable and she has live u-stream videos of her projects, and an Etsy store.  She does a fabulous job and I just wanted to give a shout out to her! 

Also today I would like to tell you about these great flowers I learned how to make from watching another video, on you tube, you have to try these flowers!!!  They are made from old dictionary papers, old atlas papers and , well I used a coffee filter on some of mine.  These are so adorable, and if you want to try one stop by the store and we'll you can do it.  I have lots of flowers pre-cut from  the Accu cut machine.  Here is the like to the video.


  1. I love them they are beatiful!!! You did such a great job on them. I can't wait to try I have an old dictionary YEA!!!!

  2. Wow! Thanks for the shout out! I have posted a link to Sharin' Memories website on my blog.
